Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Performance Improvement Tip of the Day: The TrendWatch

The Trendwatch is a finely crafted performance improvement tool that provides a lot of "punch" in just one page.

(1) Updated Performance - helps to communicate the latest data to your team, physicians, and staff members.

(2) Barriers or Gaps to Performance - helps your team to keep their eyes on the "root causes" of poor performance.

(3) Initiatives Implemented - helps you keep track of what interventions you have tried to improve performance, along with dates of implementation.

(4) Other Prioritized Initiatives - helps you keep track of interventions that you intend to try, lest you forget some great ideas that someone brought up earlier in the process!

Those who have used the tool report that it has been a great aid to their initiatives - it keeps information organized, provides focus, and helps to keep everyone on the same "page".

This TrendWatch tool was provided courtesy of 
Physician Performance Improvement Institute (PPII).

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